FMCG online store platform

To launch an online supermarket, both technical and operational aspects need to be carefully considered. Failure to address these issues may lead to serious challenges in the business. Here are some crucial points

  • The diversity and quantity of supermarket products are very high. Therefore, how should price and inventory updates be handled?
  • In supermarkets, in addition to the online section, there are physical stores. So, when a product is sold from the online section, how does the physical store become aware that the product has been sold, and it should not be sold again, and vice versa?
  • How can the service area of an online supermarket be limited so that orders are delivered to specific geographic areas and not everywhere?
  • How should the shipment of an order be planned, and in what time frame is the delivery capacity available?
  • How can the delivery times for products be managed? Some items can be delivered very quickly. The buyer should be able to choose the delivery method for their order.
FMCG online platform

The above-mentioned considerations, along with many other factors, are issues that arise in the establishment of an online supermarket. The software tools used for its launch should be able to address these requirements. If a specific requirement is not covered, the software should be extendable to accommodate it.

Additionally, for medium and large supermarket chains with multiple branches, the story changes, and numerous other requirements emerge. These demands cannot be easily addressed without the use of a powerful and scalable tool.

In the software infrastructure of Larxiweb, all the mentioned requirements have been thoroughly addressed. The specified requirements have been analyzed in detail, and necessary implementations have been carried out. A specific version of the software has been developed for supermarkets with fast-moving goods, covering all the mentioned aspects and providing suitable solutions for them. For more information about this version and to view a demo, you can send your request and get in touch with our experts.